H. Flanquart, S. Frere, 2022, L échantillon citoyen à la Convention citoyenne pour le climat, Colloque La loi Climat et résilience, Perspectives en sciences sociales, 20 janvier 2022, Boulogne sur Mer, France.
G. Hoyez, J. Rousseau, C. Rousseau, S. Saitzek, A. Ponchel, E. Monflier, MOF_CD assembly : Towards original hybrid materials?, Journées de la Chimie de Coordination, 7-8 avril 2022, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. (oral)
A. Sclison, G. Hoyez, A. Ponchel, E. Monflier, J. Rousseau, C. Rousseau, Synthesis and use of UiO-66-R type materials modified by cyclodextrins for photoreduction of nitroarenes, Journées Nord-Ouest Européennes des Jeunes Chercheurs (JNOEJC 2022), 9-10 juin 2022, Caen, France. (oral)
J. Rousseau, A. Sclison, G. Hoyez, A. Ponchel, E. Monflier, C. Rousseau, Synthesis of carboxymethyl cyclodextrins coated on zirconium based metal organic framework as original hybrid materials and use for photocatalytic applications, 20èmes Journées Cyclodextrines, 13-14 octobre 2022, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. (oral)
C. Squarzoni, A. Ponchel, E. Monflier, M. Pera-Titus, Synthesis of ceria nanocubes with cyclodextrins and their application for chemical transformation of alcohols, 20èmes Journées Cyclodextrines, 13-14 octobre 2022, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. (oral)
J. Criquet, C. Sabourin, D. Dumoulin, S. Allard, Influence des ions bromure et iodure sur la formation des sous-produits de désinfection. Journées Information Eaux, octobre 2022, Poitiers, France.
J. Mougin, P-J. Superville, G. Billon, Mise en place d’une méthodologie de suivi adaptée aux systèmes aquatiques dynamiques par le biais d’un algorithme de prélèvement optimisé, 25ème Journées Information Eaux (JIE), 2022, Poitiers, France.
J. Mougin, P-J. Superville, G. Billon, Développement d’un algorithme de prélèvement optimisé pour le suivi haute fréquence des masses d’eau, Analyse & Environnement : air, eaux, sols, co-produit, 2022, Villeurbanne, France, 2022.
J-P. Superville, J. Mougin, F. Ali Said, G. Billon, Suivi de la qualité des eaux naturelles de surface : optimisation et limites des suivis temporels, Mesure Instrumentation et Robotique pour les Réseaux d’Eau (MIRR’Eau), 2022, Centre d’Enseignement, de Recherche et d’Innovation (CERI) Systèmes Numériques (SN) de l’IMT Nord Europ, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France:, 2022.
Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, P. Lebègue, V. Fèvre-Nollet, F. Louis, V. Marécal, Box Modelling of Gas-Phase Atmospheric Chlorine Chemistry, Scientific day of the Labex CaPPA, mars 2022, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France.
K. Sood, L. Gasnot, L-S. Tran, La combustion des biocarburants avancés (anisole), l’impact des carburants aromatiques oxygénés sur la formation des précurseurs de suie, Journée des Doctorants ADEME, 15 mars 2022, Angers, France.
K. Sood, S. Gosselin, A. El Bakali, L. Gasnot, L-S. Tran, Formation Chemistry of Aromatics in Anisole/Hydrocarbon Flames, Journées François Lacas des Doctorants en Combustion, 17-18 mars 2022, Nancy, France.
J-C. Lizardo-Huerta, S. Taamalli, K. Sood, L. Gasnot, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, L-S. Tran, H-Q. Do, A. Faccinetto, L-S. Tran, L. Gasnot, A. El Bakali, X. Mercier, Impact of hydrogen as a fuel additive on the formation of soot precursors and particles in atmospheric laminar premixed flames of methane, IFRF TOTeM – Hydrogen for decarbonisation, octobre 2022, Les Loges-en-Josas, France.
B. Hanoune, Assessing air quality and individual exposure with miniature sensors, Workshop “Earth system, biodiversity and sustainable development”, 3i university network, 23-24 juin 2022, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France.
J. A. Claus, C. Bermudez, L. Margulès, M. Goubet, The hydration of polycyclic aromatic compounds: the case of naphthaldehyde, Journées Plénières du GDR EMIE 2022, 14-17 juin 2022, Dunkerque, France.
S. Billet, N. Jaber, C. Emond, Nouvelles approches en toxicologie respiratoire in vitro : cultures 3D, modélisation PBPK et exposition à des mélanges en interface air/liquide, Colloque de la Société Française de Toxicologie Génétique, 4 octobre 2022, Paris, France.
N. Jaber, C. Emond, F. Bray, P. Genevray, C. Rolando, F. Cazier, S. Billet, Caractérisation, compréhension et modélisation de la toxicité des mélanges de BTEX. Société de Toxicologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire (STCM), Webinaire Jeunes chercheurs, 31 mars 2022.
M. Cochard, F. Ledoux, D. Courcot, Y. Landkocz, Toxicité de particules fines atmosphériques d’influences portuaire, industrielle et de zones urbaines sur des cellules pulmonaires, Société de Toxicologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire (STCM), 31 mars 2022, Paris, France.
I. Hatoum, M. Richard, C. Dujardin, Compréhension des mécanismes d’activation des petites molécules et développement de nouvelles stratégies de dépollution à basse température en catalyse hétérogène, 24ème édition des Doctoriales Hauts-de-France du 13 au 17 juin 2022, Tournai, Belgique.
J. Rousseau, G. Hoyez, C. Rousseau, A. Ponchel, e. Monflier, Synthesis of carboxymethyl cyclodextrins coated zirconium based metal organic framework as original hybrid materials, 20th International Cyclodextrin Symposium, 13-17 juin 2022, Giardini-Naxos, Italie. (oral)
C. Squarzoni, A. Ponchel, M. Pera-Titus, Chemical transformations of alcohols using nanostructured ceria for the synthesis of specialty chemicals, French Conference on Catalysis 2022 (FCCat 2022 ), 30 mai – 3 juin 2022, Ronces-les-Bains, France. (oral)
C. Squarzoni, A. Ponchel, M. Pera-Titus, Chemical transformations of alcohols using nanostructured ceria for the synthesis of specialty chemicals, World Congress on Oxidation Catalysis (WCOC 2022), 4-8 septembre 2022, Cardiff, Royaume-Uni. (oral)
F. Al Ali, C. Coeur-Tourneur, N. Houzel, M. Romanias, A. Tomas, NO3 Initiated Oxidation of Furan Compounds: Rate Coefficients, Gas-Phase Chemical Mechanisms and SOA Formation, Atmospheric Chemical Mechanism – ACM 2022, decembre 2022, Université de California-Davis, Etats-Unis.
F. Al Ali, C. Coeur-Tourneur, N. Houzel, M. Romanias, A. Tomas, Reaction of Furan Compounds Emitted from Biomass Burning with the Major Nighttime Oxidant (NO3 Radical): Rate Coefficient Measurements & Product Characterization, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-2 septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
A. Anderson, J. G. Martin, N. Bouraqadi, L. Etienne, K. Langueh, L. Rajaoarisoa, G. Lozenguez, L. Fabresse, J. M. Maestre, E. Duviella, Map Meshing Impact on the Efficiency of Nonlinear Set-based Model Predictive Control for Water Quality Assessment, CMWRS, 22-23 septembre 2022, Milan, Italie.
A. Anderson, J. G. Martin, N. Bouraqadi, L. Etienne, K. Langueh, L. Rajaoarisoa, G. Lozenguez, L. Fabresse, J. M. Maestre, E. Duviella, Nonlinear Set-based Model Predictive Control for Exploration: Application to Environmental Missions, ICINCO, 14-15 juillet 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal.
A. Anderson, J. G. Martin, J. Mougin, N. Bouraqadi, E. Duviella, L. Etienne, L. Fabresse, K. Langueh, G. Lozenguez, C. Alary, G. Billon, P.J. Superville, J. M. Maestre, Water Quality Map Extraction from Field Measurements Targetting Robotic Simulations, IAMES, 1-3 juin 2022, Tarbes, France.
E. Assunção Da Silva, N. Redon, J-L. Wojkiewicz, C. Duc, Impact of the matrix on the detection of ammonia in Polyaniline: Polyurethane sensors, Colloque SENSORS 2022, 26-28 octobre 2022, Athènes, Grèce.
S. Caville, V. Michoud, A. Berge, A. Fortineau, C. Decuq, P. Buysse, B. Loubet, B. Esnault, S. Genermont, R. Ciuraru, M. Burban, J. Depuydt, B. Durand, N. Guendouz, C. Viatte, C. Cailteau-fischbach, J. E. Petit, S. Crunaire, P. Espina martin, N. Redon, l. Joly, J. Cousin, F. Parent, C. Flechard, Y. Fauvel, A. C. Romain, M. Scheuren, P. Chelin, Measurements of ammonia in ambient air and over a controlled artificial source during the amica field campaign at a rural site in the ile-de-france region, 1st ACTRIS Science Conference , 11-13 mai 2022, virtual conference.
J. Lasne, A. Lostier, T. Salameh, M. Romanias, V. Gaudion, M. Jamar, S. Dusanter, S. Sauvage, S. Vassaux, D. Lesueur, R. G. Derwent, Impact of Ageing on Asphalt VOC and NOx Emissions at In-Use Temperature: A Game Changer for Urban Atmospheric Chemistry, PARC : The 59th Petersen Asphalt Research Conference, 19-21 juillet 19-21 2022, Laramie, Etats-Unis (en ligne).
J. Lasne, D. Urupina, E. Maters, P. Delmelle, P. Dagsson-Waldhauserova, M. Romanias, F. Thevenet, Daylight Promotes a Transient Uptake of SO2 by Icelandic Volcanic Dust, EGU General Assembly 2022, 23-27 mai 2022, Vienne, Autriche.
N. Redon, P. Le Maout, J-L. Wojkiewicz, C. Duc, C. Lahuec, L. Dupont, Organic gas sensors dedicated to breath analysis, a case study: kidney disease diagnosis, Healthcare innovation : polymer & textile assets, 6-7 décembre 2022, Paris, France.
M. Romanias, A. Zogka, V. C. Papadimitriou, F. Thevenet, M. Rossi, Heterogeneous Interaction of Glyoxal with natural dusts and mineral surrogates, 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), 4-9 septembre 2022, Athènes, Grèce.
J. Lasne, A. Lostier, T. Salameh, M. Romanias, E. Athanasopoulou, D. Karagiannis, N. Kakouri, S. Myriokefalitakis, E. Gerasopoulos, Are asphalt pavements an important source of atmospheric particles precursors?, 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022), , 4-9 septembre 2022, Athènes, Grèce. (affiche)
C. Ramirez, J. Brito, S. Dusanter, M. Jamar, A. Tomas, H. Bouzidi, A. Lahib, L. Fayad, M. Franco, S. Carbone, M. Holanda, S. Wolff, A. Edtbauer, J. Williams, P. Artaxo, C. Pöhlker, S. Sauvage, Secondary Organic Aerosol formation under pristine rain forest conditions, 11th International Aerosol Conference (IAC 2022) , 4-9 septembre 2022, Athènes, Grèce. (affiche)
M. Ramonet, V. Thouret, S. Sauvage, L. Rivier, B. Loubet, L. Joly, Y. Te, O. Laurent, M. Lopez, C. Yver Kwok, P. Nedellec, P. Goloub, P. Ciais, P. Laj, OBS4CLIM: French investment for an Integrated Observing System for the Atmosphere Description of the greenhouse gases component, Carbon Dioxide, Other Greenhouse Gases, and Related Measurement Techniques (GGMT2022), septembre, Wageningen, Pays Bas. (affiche)
K. Dejaeger, J. Criquet, M. Vanoppen, E. R. CORNELISSEN, G. Billon, C. Vignal, How do haloacetamides and haloacetic acids affect human intestinal epithelial cells?, 3rd IWA Specialized International Conference on Disinfection and DBPs 2022, IWA, juin 2022, Milan, Italie.
K. Dejaeger, J. Adusei Gyamfi, H. Mac Keown, K. V. K. M. Schoutteten, M. Delaporte, L. Verdickt, E. R. Cornelissen, J. Criquet, Characterization and removal of disinfection by-product precursors by resins – Literature review and pilot tests, 3rd IWA Specialized International Conference on Disinfection and DBPs, 27 juin-1er juillet 2022, Milan, Italie.
H. K. Al Rawas, S. Taamalli, N. Alharzali, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Hieu Truong, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, Atmospheric reactivity of tetraphenols, 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
S. Taamalli, M. Infuso, F. Amhani, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, M. Ribaucour, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, I. Černušák, What is the role of microhydration on the atmospheric reactivity of iodomethane? 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
N. Bekkal, S. Taamalli, D. Khiri, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, A. El Bakali, D. Quang Dao, I. Černušák, Thermochemical and kinetic studies of hydrogen abstraction reactions of halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by H atoms, 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
M. Infuso, F. Louis, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, Theoretical study of the adsorption of CH3I on ice and model sea-salt surfaces, 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
N. Alharzali, H.K. Al Rawas, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Reaction mechanism of the OH-initiated atmospheric degradation of 5-chlorophenol, 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, P. Lebègue, F. Louis, V. Marécal, Atmospheric chlorine chemistry modelling, 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
F. Louis, D. Quang Dao, I. Černušák, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, M. Ribaucour, Recent insights into atmospheric chemistry of phytosanitary products, 2nd French-Slovak workshop on hot topics in physical chemistry and chemical physics – experiments and modelling, septembre 2022, Bratislava, Slovaquie.
I. Černušák, S. Kozáková, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, Cyclo[N]carbon rings and catenanes from different perspective. Disentangling molecular thread, 12th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists WATOC, juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
F. Louis, D. Kdouh, D. Hieu Truong, R. Al Mawla, T. Yen Nhi Pham, T. Chinh Ngo, Z. Srour, S. Kozakova, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, M. Ribaucour, A. El Bakali, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Marcello Brigante, Gilles Mailhot, Studying the atmospheric reactivity of pesticides with molecular simulations, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition CCCE, juin 2022, Calgary, Canada.
N. Alharzali, H.K. Al Rawas, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Atmospheric reactivity of pentachlorophenol with OH Radicals: abstraction and addition reaction pathways, LatinXChem 2022 Twitter Poster Conference, novembre 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
D. Quang Dao, T. Yen Nhi Pham, H.K. Al Rawas, T. Le Anh Nguyen, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, Ozonation of Phosmet Insecticide in the Gas and Aqueous Phase: A Mechanistic and Kinetic Study, LatinXChem 2022 Twitter Poster Conference, novembre 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
L. Cartayrade, F. Louis, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, Selenium in our atmosphere: an overview, LatinXChem 2022 Twitter Poster Conference, novembre 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
T. Chinh Ngo, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, D. Quang Dao, Oxidation of Quinmerac by HO radical in aqueous media: a possible water treatment process, LatinXChem 2022 Twitter Poster Conference, novembre 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
D. Quang Dao, D. Hieu Truong, T. Chinh Ngo, T. Le Anh Nguyen, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, Decomposition of Metazachlor by Ozone in the Gas and Aqueous Phase: A Computational Study, LatinXChem 2022 Twitter Poster Conference, novembre 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
F. Louis, S. Taamalli, R. Al Mawla, H.K. Al Rawas, D. Hieu Truong, T. Yen Nhi Pham, T. Chinh Ngo, T. Le Anh Nguyen, M. Ribaucour, A. El Bakali, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Atmospheric reactivity of phosmet insecticide, LatinXChem 2022 Twitter Poster Conference, novembre 22, Mexico City, Mexique.
F. Louis, D. Quang Dao, R. Al Mawla, D. Hieu Truong, T. Chinh Ngo, T. Yen Nhi Pham, S. Taamalli, M. Ribaucour, I. Černušák, A. El Bakali, OH-initiated reaction of phosmet herbicide in the atmosphere, Twitter poster conference 3rd European Symposium on Chemical Bonding CBOND2022, septembre 2022, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
H.K. Al Rawas, F. Louis, S. Taamalli, N. Alharzali, A. El Bakali, I. Černušák, D. Hieu Truong, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, M. Brigante, G. Mailhot, A study of the degradation of tetrachlorophenol in the atmosphere by hydroxyl radicals, Twitter poster conference 3rd European Symposium on Chemical Bonding CBOND2022, septembre 2022, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas.
N. Alharzali, H.K. Al Rawas, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Theoretical study of the OH-initiated atmospheric degradation of pentachlorophenol, 18th Central European Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, septembre 2022, Balatonszárszó, Hongrie.
Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, P. Lebègue, V. Marécal, F. Louis, Modelling of the Chlorine Tropospheric Chemistry by a 0D Model, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, août-septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
S. Taamalli, M. Infuso, F. Amhani, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, I. Černušák, The Atmospheric Oxidation of CH3I by the OH Radical: the Effect of Water Vapor, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, août-septembre 2022 Rennes, France.
D. Khiri, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, C. Fittschen, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Numerical investigation of trans-stilbene formation from benzyl radical at high temperature, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, août-septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
H.K. Al Rawas, N. Alharzali, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Hieu Truong, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, M. Brigante, G. Mailhot, A theoretical study of the OH-initiated atmospheric degradation of several polychlorophenols, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, août-septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
N. Bekkal, S. Taamalli, D. Khiri, A. El Bakali, M. Ribaucour, D. Quang Dao, I. Černušák, F. Louis, Reactivity of Halogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with H Atoms, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, août-septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
H. Mosbahi, L. Estèves Fernandes, Z. Srour, M. Infuso, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, Theoretical study of halogenated methyl hydroperoxides of atmospheric reactivity, Latin American Conference EnvChemPSE 2022, juillet 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
N. Bekkal, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, D. Khiri, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Hydrogen’s Reactivity with Halogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Twitter Latin American Conference EnvChemPSE 2022, juillet 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
D. Khiri, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, C. Fittschen, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Twitter Latin American Conference EnvChemPSE 2022, juillet 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
S. Taamalli, M. Infuso, F. Amhani, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, I. Černušák, The Atmospheric Oxidation of CH3I by the OH Radical: the Effect of Water Vapor, Twitter Latin American Conference EnvChemPSE 2022, juillet 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
H.K. Al Rawas, N. Alharzali, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Hieu Truong, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, M. Brigante, G. Mailhot, Reactivity of 2,3,4,5-tetrachlorophenol with OH radicals in the atmosphere: A theoretical study, Twitter Latin American Conference EnvChemPSE 2022, juillet 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
D. Quang Dao, D. Hieu Truong, T. Chinh Ngo, T. Le Anh Nguyen, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, Ozonolysis of metazachlor herbicide in the atmosphere: mechanistic and kinetic study, Twitter Latin American Conference EnvChemPSE 2022, juillet 2022, Mexico City, Mexique.
H.K. Al Rawas, N. Alharzali, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Hieu Truong, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, M. Brigante, G. Mailhot, A theoretical study of the OH-initiated atmospheric degradation of several polychlorophenols, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition CCCE, juin 2022, Calgary, Canada.
N. Bekkal, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, D. Khiri, I. Černuśák, D. Quang Dao, Reactivity of H Atoms with Halogenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition CCCE, juin 2022, Calgary, Canada.
D. Quang Dao, C. Thi Ngo, Z. Srour, D. Hieu Truong, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, M. Ribaucour, I. Černuśák, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, Metazachlor herbicide decomposition initiated by ozone and sulfate radical anion in environmental conditions – A mechanistic and kinetic study, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition 2022, juin 2022, Calgary, Canada.
Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, P. Lebègue, F. Louis, V. Marécal, 0D modelling of the tropospheric chlorine chemistry, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition CCCE, juin 2022, Calgary, Canada.
Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, P. Lebègue, F. Louis, V. Marécal, Box modelling of tropospheric chlorine chemistry, 1st ACTRIS Science Conference, mai 2022, Virtually in Helsinki, Finlande.
F. Louis, D. Kdouh, D. Hieu Truong, Z. Srour, T. Chinh Ngo, S. Kozakova, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, M. Ribaucour, A. El Bakali, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Gas-phase OH-initiated degradation of metazachlor herbicide, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
D. Quang Dao, T. Chinh Ngo, D. H. Truong, Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, M. Ribaucour, I. Černušák, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, OH-radical-induced degradation of Metazachlor herbicide in aqueous phase – A kinetics and mechanistic study, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
D. Hieu Truong, T. Chinh Ngo, N. Thi Ai Nhung, D. Tuan Quang, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Khiri, S. Taamalli, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, D. Quang Dao, Competition between iron ions chelating-based antioxidant properties and Fenton-type pro-oxidant risks of rosmarinic acid, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
H.K. Al Rawas, N. Alharzali, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Hieu Truong, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, M. Brigante, G. Mailhot, Insights in the atmospheric reactivity of OH radicals with 2,3,4,5-chlorophenol, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
N. Alharzali, H.K. Al Rawas, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, A theoretical study of the OH-initiated atmospheric degradation of pentachlorophenol, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
N. Bekkal, S. Taamalli, D. Khiri, M. Ribaucour, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Impact of the bromine presence on H-transfer reactions from soot precursors, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
D. Khiri, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černuśák, T. Chinh Ngo, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Quang Dao, A theoretical study of the kinetics of the H-abstraction reaction from triphenylene, benzo[e]pyrene, dibenzo[fg,op]naphtacene, and coronene by H atoms: implications in combustion chemistry, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
I. Bouchene, D. Khiri, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, C. Fittschen, I. Černušák, D. Quang Dao, Numerical investigation of Stilbene formation from benzyl radicals at high temperature, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
R. Al Mawla, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černuśák, D. Quang Dao, D. Hieu Truong, T. Chinh Ngo, T. Yen Nhi Pham, M. Brigante, G. Mailhot, A theoretical study of the atmospheric fate of phosmet insecticide, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, P. Lebègue, F. Louis, V. Marécal, Box modelling of the atmospheric chlorine chemistry using a new updated chemical mechanism, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
L. Sellaoui, S. Yahyaoui, S. Taamalli, Z. Srour, D. Franco, M. Schadeck Netto, J. Georgin, A. Bonilla-Petriciolet, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, V. Fèvre-Nollet, G. Luiz Dotto, A. Erto, A. Ben Lamine, Z. Chen, Theoretical interpretation of single and quaternary adsorption of Cu2+, Co2+, Ni2+ and Ag+ on sludge modified by alkaline fusion via physical models, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
F. Amhani, S. Taamalli, M. Infuso, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, I. Černušák, what is the effect of the water molecule on the reaction mechanism of OH radicals with CH3I? RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
L. Estèves Fernandes, Z. Srour, M. Infuso, S. Taamalli, H. Mosbahi, V. Fèvre-Nollet, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, I. Černušák, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, Atmospheric reactivity of halogenated methylhydroperoxydes towards OH radicals, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
M. Infuso, S. Taamalli, F. Louis, D. Duflot, C. Toubin, Effect of H2O on the adsorption of CH3I on NaCl using a force field approach, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
T. Le Anh Nguyen, T. Hoai Nam Doan, D. Hieu Truong, Dorra Khiri, S. Taamalli, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, D. Quang Dao, Theoretical insight on antioxidant and UV absorption activities of Aaptamines, RSC Poster Twitter Conference, mars 2022, Londres, Royaume-Uni (virtuel).
D. Quang Dao, T. Chinh Ngo, D. Hieu Truong, Z. Srour, S. Taamalli, V. Fèvre-Nollet, M. Ribaucour, I. Černušák, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, Degradation of Metazachlor Herbicide by Hydroxyl HO Radical in Aqueous Phase – A Theoretical Insight, Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry, février 2022, virtuel.
D. Hieu Truong, T. Chinh Ngo, N. Thi Ai Nhung, D. Tuan Quang, T. Le Anh Nguyen, D. Khiri, S. Taamalli, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, D. Quang Dao, Competition between iron ions chelating-based antioxidant properties and Fenton-type pro-oxidant risks of rosmarinic acid, Virtual Winter School on Computational Chemistry, 21-25 février 2022, virtuel.
C. Zhang, C. Fittschen, Absolute Absorption Cross-Section of C2H5O2 Radicaland Kinetics of Its Self-Reaction: Rate Constant and Branching Ratio, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-1er septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
M. Shamas, C. Zhang, M. Assali, C. Schoemaecker, L. Pillier, C. Fittschen, Absolute Absorption Cross-Section of C2H5O2 Radicals and Kinetic of its Self-Reaction, 4th QUADMARTS Workshop, 26-29 juin 2022, Lille, France.
N. Shamas, C. Fittschen, C. Schoemaecker,Measurements of HOx and ROx radicals in the atmosphere, 4th QUADMARTS Workshop, 26-29 juin 2022, Lille, France.
B. Giri, T. Mai, M. Assali, T. Nguyen, H. Nguyen, M. Szőri, L. Huynh, C. Fittschen, A. Farooq, Reaction Kinetics of OH Radicals with 1,4-Polyenes, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-1er septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
N. Shamas, S. Batut, A. Lahccen, C. Fittschen, C. Schoemaecker, The dependence of humidity on the HO2 yield in the RO2 +OH reaction, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-1er septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
T. Nguyen, C. Fittschen, G. da Silva, The OH-initiated oxidation of trimethylsilanol, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-1er septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
D.Khiri, S. Taamalli, A. El Bakali, F. Louis, M. Ribaucour, C. Fittschen, I. Černuśák, D. Q. Dao, Numerical investigation of trans-stilbene formation from benzyl radical at high temperature, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-1er septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
R. Hadjadj, C. Fittschen, B. Fiser, B. Viskolcz, M. Szőri, Theoretical Study on Reaction of Acetyl Peroxy Radical (CH3C(O)O2•) with Hydroxyl (•OH) radical, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena – GK2022, 28 août-1er septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
M. Assali, C. Fittschen, Rate constant of the reaction of CH3C(O)O2 + CH3C(O)O2 and CH3C(O)O2 + CH3O2 , 739 th WE-Heraeus-Seminar “Molecular Physics and Physical Chemistry with Advanced Photon Sources”, 30 janvier–3 février 2022, Bad Honnef, Allemagne.
C. Zhang, C. Fittschen, Absolute Absorption Cross-Section of C2H5O2 Radicals and Kinetic of its Self-Reaction, 739th WE-Heraeus-Seminar “Molecular Physics and Physical Chemistry with Advanced Photon Sources”, 30 janvier–3 février 2022, Bad Honnef, Allemagne.
P. Desgroux, N. Lamoureux, A. Faccinetto, Comparison of the sensitivity of laser-induced incandescence, cavity-ring down extinction and scanning mobility particle sizing to detect the smallest soot nanoparticles in flames or in the combustion exhausts, CLEO 2022, 15-20 mai 2022, San Jose, Etats-Unis. (Invité)
N. Lamoureux, N. El Baba, P. Desgroux, Experimental and simulated OH and NO mole fraction profiles in low-pressure ammonia flames, 39th Int. Symposium Combustion, 24-29 juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
N. Lamoureux, Specifity of NO formation routes in H2 combustion, IFRF TOTeM, 18 octobre; Jouy-en-Josas, France.
M. Saab, G. Vanhove, Y. Fenard, On the influence of hydrogen on the low-temperature reactivity of n-pentane, 1-pentene and 3-pentanone: an experimental and modeling study, 39th Int. Symposium Combustion, 24-29 juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
T. Panaget, K. Potier, S. Batut, A. Lahccen, Y. Fenard, L. Pillier, G. Vanhove, How ozone affects the product distribution inside cool flames of diethyl ether, 39th Int. Symposium Combustion, 24-29 juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
M. Saab, G. Vanhove, Y. Fenard, A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Ignition Delay Times of 3-Pentanol/Hydrogen Blends at Low Temperatures of Combustion. 39th Int. Symposium Combustion, 24-29 juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
J-C. Lizardo-Huerta, S. Taamalli, K. Sood, L. Gasnot, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, L.-S. Tran, Reaction kinetics of the consumption mechanism of Oxygenated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (OPAHs), The 2nd edition of Low-Carbon Combustion, 05-06 avril 2022, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni.
J-C. Lizardo-Huerta, S. Taamalli, K. Sood, L. Gasnot, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, L.-S. Tran, Theoretical study of H-abstraction reactions by H-atoms from selected oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (OPAHs), RSC Poster Twitter Conference, 01-02 mars 2022.
L.-S. Tran, O. Herbinet, H.-H. Carstensen, F. Battin-Leclerc. Progress in the study of the chemical ,kinetics of cyclic ethers in combustion. The 2nd edition of Low-Carbon Combustion, 05-06 avril 2022, Cambridge, Royaume-Uni.
K. Sood, S. Gosselin, J-C. Lizardo-Huerta, A. El Bakali, L. Gasnot, L-S. Tran, Co-formation of oxygenated and non-oxygenated aromatics in the flames of biofuel and fuel mixtures, 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, 28 août-01 septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
J-C. Lizardo-Huerta, S. Taamalli, K. Sood, L. Gasnot, F. Louis, A. El Bakali, L.-S. Tran, Chemical kinetics of representative quinones. 26th International Symposium on Gas Kinetics and Related Phenomena, 28 août-01 septembre 2022, Rennes, France.
J. Laverge, B. Jones, P. Wargocki, C. Rode, M. Abadie, G. Rojas, M. Qin, J. Zhang, G. Guyot, J. Kolarik, M. Delghust, B. Hanoune, Energy efficient IAQ management in residential buildings, IAQ 2020 : Indoor environmental quality performance approaches, 4-6 mai 2022, Athènes, Greece.
J. Chesneau, S. Crumeyrolle, L. Dauchet, B. Hanoune, Methodology for the investigation of IAQ inside French dwellings, Indoor Air 2022, 12-16 juin 2022, Kuopio, Finlande.
J. Bruckhuisen, C. Gomez Pech, V. Vallet, M. Olejniczak, A. Cuisset, M. Goubet, G. Dhont, Quantum Chemical Investigation of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds in Oxygenated Aromatic Molecules: Influence of Ring Siez, Donor/Acceptor Groups and Substituants, Journées Plénières du GDR EMIE 2022, 14–17 juin 2022, Dunkerque, France.
J. Bruckhuisen, C. Gomez Pech, V. Vallet, M. Olejniczak, A. Cuisset, M. Goubet, G. Dhont, “Quantum Chemical Investigation of Intramolecular Hydrogen Bonds in Oxygenated Aromatic Molecules: Influence of Ring Siez, Donor/Acceptor Groups and Substituants”, 75th international symposium on molecular spectroscopy, 20-24 juin 2022, Champaign, Etats- Unis.
N. Osseiran, E. M. Neeman, M. Goubet, P. Dréan, T. R. Huet, Microwave Spectroscopy of Terpenoids Non-covalently Bonded to Hydrogen Sulfide, 75th international symposium on molecular spectroscopy, 20-24 juin 2022, Champaign, Etats- Unis.
J. A. Claus, C. Bermudez, L. Margulès, M. Goubet, The hydration of polycyclic aromatic compounds: the case of naphthaldehyde, 26th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, 29 août–2 septembre 2022, Prague, République Tchèque.
N. Osseiran, E. M. Neeman, P. Dréan, M. Goubet, T. R. Huet, Insights into the non-covalent interactions of hydrogen sulfide with fenchol and fenchone from a gas-phase rotational study, 26th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy, Prague, 29 août–2 septembre 2022, République Tchèque.
M. Lavancier, S. Eliet Barois, E. Denakpo, J. Vlieghe, N. Vindas, F. Hindle, A. Cuisset, R. Peretti, Terahertz time domain spectroscopy data processing: analysing uncertainties to push boundaries, Terahertz Photonics II, SPIE, Strasbourg, France.
M. N. Ngo, T. Nguyen-Ba, W. Zhao, W. Chen, Off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy enhanced Faraday rotation techniques for OH detection at 2.8 microns, EGU General Assembly, 23-27 mai 2022, Vienne, Autriche.
Shen, F., Wang, J., Wei, T., Tan, T., Cao, Z., Gao, X., Jeseck, P., Te, Y.-V., Dong, L., Chen, W., Ground-based remote sensing of greenhouse gases in the atmospheric column using laser heterodyne radiometers, Optics and Photonics for Sensing the Environment, 11-15 juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
K. A. Thackston, J. Doane, J. Anderson, M. Chrayteh, F. Hindle, Measurement of Dielectric-Lined Waveguides for Low-Loss mm-Wave and THz Transmission, 47th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), IEEE, 28 août-02septembre 2022, Delft, Pays-Bas.
G. Wang, R. Cui, A. Yalin, L. Meng, Q. Gou, C. Coeur, L. Dong, W. Chen, Prism-based Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy for Broadband Trace Gas Sensing, Optics and Photonics for Sensing the Environment, 11-15 juillet 2022, Vancouver, Canada.
W. Zhao, J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, B. Fang, F. Cheng, X. Xu, S. Ni, W. Zhang, C. Ye, W. Chen, D. S. Venables, Amplitude modulated multimode-diode-laser-based cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy with a phase-sensitive detection for high-sensitivity NO2 detection, EGU General Assembly, 2022, 23-27 mai 2022, Vienne, Autriche.
P. Villarim, E. Genty, J. Zemmouri and S. Fourmentin: Comparison of various absorbents for biogas upgrading, ISGC 2022, 16-20 mai 2022, La Rochelle, France.
L. Nakhle, M. Kfoury, S. Ruellan, H. Greige-Gerges, D. Landy, Deep eutectic solvents:water:cyclodextrins mixtures for the retention of aromas and essential oils, 20th International Cyclodextrin Symposium , 13-17 juin 2022, Italie.
M. Tannous, C. Paris, C. Poupin, S. Siffert, R. Cousin, Interest of Co based mixed oxide in total catalytic oxidation of VOCs mixture, French Conference on Catalysis (FCCAT), 30 mai-3 juin 2022, Ronce-les-Bains, France.
N. Jaber, C. Emond, F. Bray, P. Genevray, C. Rolando, F. Cazier, S. Billet, Understanding the toxicity of a BTEX mixture: air/liquid interface exposure of organotypic lung cultures, Société Européenne de Toxicologie In Vitro (ESTIV 2022), 21-25 novembre 2022, Sitges, Espagne.
M. Cochard, F. Ledoux, D. Courcot, Y. Landkocz, Toxicity of airborne particulate matter from port, industrial and urban areas on lung cells, IUTOX XVIth International Congress of Toxicology, 18-21 septembre 2022, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.
M. Cochard, F. Ledoux, F. Cazier, P. Gosset, D. Courcot, Y. Landkocz, Toxicity of airborne particulate matter in port, industrial and urban areas and effects on epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in lung A549 cells, IUTOX XVIth International Congress of Toxicology, 18-21 septembre 2022, Maastricht, Pays-Bas.
M. Cochard, F. Ledoux, P. Gosset, D. Courcot, Y. Landkocz, How does atmospheric fine particulate matter from 4 distinct origins impact EMT on lung cells?, TEMTIA X, 7-10 novembre 2022, Paris, France.
M. Cochard, F. Ledoux, D. Courcot, Y. Landkocz, Impact of airborne particulate matter from port, industrial and urban areas on oxidative and inflammatory responses in lung cells, 21st International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2022), 21-25 novembre 2022, Sitges, Espagne.
M. Fadel, D. Courcot, M. Seigneur, A. Kfoury, G. Delmaire, G. Roussel, K. Oikonomou, I. Sciare, C. Afif , F. Ledoux, PM2.5 in an urban industrial site in the East Mediterranean: Source apportionment and oxidative potential, #EnvChem2022: Chemistry of the Whole Environment Research, 14-15 juillet 2022, York, Royaume-Uni.
M. Fadel, D. Courcot, M. Seigneur, A. Kfoury, G. Delmaire, G. Roussel, K. Oikonomou, J. Sciare, F. Ledoux, C. Afif, PM2.5 in an urban industrial site in the East Mediterranean: Source apportionment and oxidative potential 2nd Annual Scientific Workshop on Climate and Atmosphere Research & Innovation in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East (EMME) region, 1 novembre 2022, Nicosie, Chypre.
M. Fadel, D. Courcot, M. Seigneur, A. Kfoury, K. Oikonomou, J. Sciare, F. Ledoux, C. Afif, Source apportionment of PM2.5 in two East-Mediterranean sites. 11th International Aerosol Conference 2022, 4-9 septembre 2022, Athènes, Grèce.
A. Verdin, R. Raveau, L. Mistrulli, D. Courcot, J. Fontaine, S. Fourmentin, A. Lounès-Hadj Sahraoui, Effect of essential oils encapsulation in β-cyclodextrin on their biological properties, 20th International Cyclodextrin Symposium (20th ICS), 13-17 juin 2022, Giardini-Naxos, Italie.
F. Défossez, Y. Hernandez, J. B. Lecourt , A. Gognau, S. Boivinet, R. Vallon, B. Parvitte, V. Zéninari, S. Brohez, D. Dewaele, C. Cazier, A. Peremans, L. Lamard, A. Baylon, Real-time and on-field CO2 sensing based on a fast frequency modulation OPO system, SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, 17 mai 2022, Strasbourg, France.
H. Mzioui, L. Brutier, N. Verbrugghe, Z. Liu, M. Fourmentin, P. Augustin, A. Penkina, M. Nhut Ngo, D. Dewaele, F. Cazier, T. Nguyen Ba, W. Chen, Development of a sensor platform for drone-borne measurement of CO2, SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, 17 mai 2022, Strasbourg, France.
Y. Hernandez, J-B. Lecourt, A. Gognau, S. Boivinet, R. Vallon, B. Parvitte, V. Zeninari, S. Brohez, D. Dewaele, F. Cazier, A. G. Peremans, L. Lamard, A. Baylon, F. Defossez, Real time and on-field CO2 sensing based on a fast frequency modulation OPO system. In F. Berghmans (Ed.), « Optical Sensing and Detection VII » (pp. 9), SPIE, 2022.
F. Defossez, Y. Hernandez, J-B. Lecourt, A. Gognau, S. Boivinet, R. Vallon, B. Parvitte, V. Zeninari, S. Brohez, D. Dewaele, F. Cazier, A. Peremans, L. Lamard, A. Baylon, On-field NH3 remote sensing based on a fast wavelength modulated OPO system. In « Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources 2022 ». Optica Publishing Group, 2022.
M. Richard, S. Nandi, C. Dujardin, P. Granger, C. Norsic, C. Chaillou, A. Nicolle, E. Laigle, Evaluating different strategies to minimize cold-start emissions from gasoline engines: International congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control – 12th edition Brussels August 29th – 31st, 2022. Brussels, Belgium.
I. Hatoum, M. Richard, C. Dujardin, Investigation of hysteresis phenomena during CO oxidation over Pt-based catalyst: a SSITKA-IR study, 12th ICEC Jul 30 to Aug 02, 2022. Osaka, Japan.
I. Hatoum, M. Richard, N. Bouchoul, C. Dujardin, Revealing origin of hydrogen-carbonate species in CO oxidation over Pt/Al2O3: a SSITKA-IR study, 12th International congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control CAPoC12 August 29th – 31st, 2022. Brussels, Belgium.
S. Nandi, C. Chaillou, E. Laigle, A. Nicolle, C. Norsic, P. Granger, C. Dujardin, M. Richard, Towards ultra-low-emission gasoline vehicle: focus on different catalyst design strategiesTOCAT9: July 24-29,2022 Fukuoka, Japan.